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Creativity Springs from the Pandemic

Dana Howell

People are flexing their creative muscles to help keep things interesting during the New Normal! From poignant to delightful, these project submissions are a wonderful record of how we are spending our time during the pandemic.


Colts Neck graphic artist Cathy Mumford-Brennan quietly captures what we have all felt at some point – the all-consuming and dream-like reality of the event we are living through.


This little sweetie from Freehold is helping her mom to spread some happiness around town with their fantastic hand-painted rocks. Residents are pleasantly surprised to find these colorful gems nestled right on their front lawns:) What a special delivery!


This nine-year-old powerhouse wrote and performed her own lyrics to Adele's Hello to express her experience being at home. She demonstrates the raw emotion and talent of a future Broadway star. Way to go, Gianna!


Award-winning artist and Red Bank psychotherapist Dr. Lou Storey uses splashes of color and swirls of movement in a playful and positive way. Remaining at home, he finds that he runs out of energy early in the day. He considers this COVID artwork his own “spiritual vaccination, while we all wait for the real thing.” See more of Dr. Storey’s art at


Lovable grandpa Bob F. of Manalapan has decided to use this time to fulfill his dream of becoming a real estate agent. Check out his first listing! You can often find Bob cruising around on his Harley, chatting with everyone and bringing smiles to all with his unique brand of good old-fashioned humor.


Six-year-old Princess Dakota had an unusual birthday celebration with her neighborhood, several Freehold Police officers, and an unexpected visitor! This friendly T-Rex wandered over to join in both the fun and a quick police briefing. Dakota was a bit unsure at first, but ended up smiling and happy with her very memorable experience!


Send your images in to the Remembering COVID-19 project. We'd love to share the fun and creativity of our Monmouth County residents!

Submissions can be sent to or to for multiple image submissions. Be a part of history!

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