Donate Now
The Monmouth County Historical Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We rely on the generosity of our amazing donors to help us do the work of making history relevant and accessible for all ages, from award-winning exhibits to digitally accessible programs to engaging K-12 education. The Association is committed to preserving its outstanding collection.
Your gift of any size is greatly appreciated!

Planned Giving
As we look to grow and increase the number of services and programs in our community, we need to build upon our strong base of support through estate and planned gifts.
Many loyal donors have included Monmouth County Historical Association in their wills or named the Association a beneficiary of their IRA or other retirement plan. Those who have included the Association in their estate plans can receive recognition today by sending in a simple one-page, non-binding form, located here.
For more information regarding bequest intentions or other planned gifts, please contact us at (732) 462-1466 x10
or at
Please consider including Monmouth County Historical Association in your estate plan. Thank you for your commitment to the Association.
Matching Gifts
Did you know many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage philanthropy among their employees? And that some companies will even match to spouses and retirees?
By simply completing a matching gift form (on-line or paper), you may be able to double, or even triple, the impact of your gift! Please check with your company’s Human Resources department to see if your company offers a matching gift program. For additional information about Matching Gifts, please email
Already have your matching form?
Please mail it to:
Attn: Matching Gifts Department
70 Court Street
Freehold, NJ 07728
MCHA is a public charity classified as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The tax ID number is 21-6000082.
Sponsors and Supporters
Your corporate support helps MCHA collect, preserve, and interpret Monmouth County’s rich history and culture while making its resources available to the widest possible audience.
Event Sponsorship and Underwriting
Be recognized as a community leader through your company’s sponsorship or underwriting of one of the many signature events hosted by MCHA throughout the year.
Historic House Museum Sponsorship
Your support will help MCHA to preserve and interpret the county’s vanishing architectural heritage through sponsorship of an Historic House Museum. Please contact us at or (732) 462-1466 for further information.
Education Sponsorships
Is your organization interested in aligning itself with the education of thousands of students and lifelong learners in Monmouth and Ocean counties? Become an education sponsor today. Contact or (732) 462-1466 for further information.
Corporate Volunteers
Help MCHA as a corporate volunteer team. We have numerous opportunities for corporate volunteers.